City crime information - Montgomery
The crime information on this page is compiled completely from the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC), a state agency headquartered in Montgomery that serves citizens by providing local, state and federal criminal justice agencies with critical information. Summary tables present crime and crime clearance information for Montgomery over time. This summary data presented below is simply a compilation of the ACJIC data, and this site is not responsible for the accuracy of those crime figures.
Important Terms:
Clearance - A measure of law enforcement activity which shows that
a crime has been solved for crime reporting
purposes either by the arrest of a suspect or by
exceptional means. Exceptional means provides a
solution to a crime when there is enough evidence
to place a formal charge against an offender, but
some element beyond law enforcement control precludes
an actual arrest. It is possible for one arrest to
clear more than one offense.
Clearance Rate - The clearance rate is achieved by taking the
number of clearances over the number of
crimes reported.
Montgomery Crime Rates:
This chart shows crime rates for Montgomery over time. This is the raw number of crimes committed each year.
Year Pop Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 202,209 14,972 29 110 864 669 3,571 8,694 1,035
2004 201,432 15,087 25 108 623 574 3,734 8,777 1,246
2003 202,064 17,432 18 113 658 518 4,092 10,268 1,765
2002 203,355 17,617 30 118 698 629 3,812 10,640 1,690
2001 202,350 15,804 26 99 652 680 3,252 9,940 1,155
2000 199,149 16,299 31 112 605 853 3,467 9,795 1,436
1999 197,823 15,452 26 120 591 846 3,165 9,304 1,400
1998 197,807 13,949 32 111 533 825 3,095 7,893 1,460
1997 200,104 14,218 25 75 671 1,009 3,364 7,862 1,212
1996 197,972 13,173 32 71 627 869 3,376 7,072 1,126
1995 197,046 13,175 35 76 564 741 3,085 7,374 1,300
1994 12,692 41 70 630 1,114 3,129 6,512 1,196
Montgomery Crime Rates, per 100,000:
This chart shows crime rates for Montgomery over time. This is the number of crimes committed per 100,000 of population.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 7,404 14 54 427 330 1,765 4,299 511
2004 7,489 12 54 309 285 1,853 4,357 618
2003 8,627 9 56 325 256 2,025 5,081 873
2002 8,663 14 58 343 309 1,874 5,232 831
2001 7,810 13 49 322 336 1,607 4,912 570
2000 8,184 15 56 303 428 1,740 4,918 721
1999 7,811 13 60 298 427 1,599 4,703 707
1998 7,052 16 56 269 417 1,564 3,990 738
1997 7,105 12 37 335 504 1,681 3,928 605
1996 6,654 16 36 316 439 1,705 3,572 568
1995 6,686 17 38 286 565 1,588 3,304 607
Montgomery Clearance Figures
This displays the raw clearance numbers for Montgomery over time.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 935 22 47 143 186 138 366 33
2004 948 16 69 138 173 140 347 65
2003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2002 1,223 19 82 165 186 137 558 76
2001 1,236 20 53 130 216 163 577 77
2000 1,434 19 64 160 294 177 627 93
1999 1,730 21 95 181 323 242 771 97
1998 1,636 18 63 160 316 247 710 122
1997 1,642 19 64 185 429 242 598 105
1996 1,513 22 52 180 385 257 503 114
1995 1,213 30 40 143 251 185 477 87
Montgomery Clearance Rates
This displays the clearance rates (percentage) for Montgomery over time.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 6% 76% 44% 17% 28% 4% 4% 3%
2004 6% 64% 64% 22% 30% 4% 4% 5%
2003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2002 7% 63% 69% 24% 30% 4% 5% 4%
2001 8% 77% 54% 20% 33% 5% 6% 7%
2000 9% 61% 57% 26% 36% 5% 6% 6%
1999 11% 81% 79% 31% 4% 8% 8% 7%
1998 11% 56% 57% 30% 4% 8% 9% 8%
1997 11% 76% 85% 28% 43% 7% 8% 9%
1996 11% 69% 73% 29% 44% 8% 7% 10%
1995 9% 86% 53% 25% 34% 6% 7% 7%