City crime information - Birmingham:
The crime information on this page is compiled completely from the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC), a state agency headquartered in Montgomery that serves citizens by providing local, state and federal criminal justice agencies with critical information. Summary tables present crime and crime clearance information for Birmingham over time. This summary data presented below is simply a compilation of the ACJIC data, and this site is not responsible for the accuracy of those crime figures.
Important Terms:
Clearance - A measure of law enforcement activity which shows that
a crime has been solved for crime reporting
purposes either by the arrest of a suspect or by
exceptional means. Exceptional means provides a
solution to a crime when there is enough evidence
to place a formal charge against an offender, but
some element beyond law enforcement control precludes
an actual arrest. It is possible for one arrest to
clear more than one offense.
Clearance Rate - The clearance rate is achieved by taking the
number of clearances over the number of
crimes reported.
Birmingham Crime Rates:
This chart shows crime rates for Birmingham over time. This is the raw number of crimes committed each year.
Year Pop Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 234,027 22,372 104 241 1,429 1,675 4,933 11,962 2,028
2004 237,633 22,738 59 240 1,369 1,593 5,156 11,970 2,351
2003 239,650 22,921 85 204 1,352 1,706 4,831 11,934 2,809
2002 244,454 21,267 67 239 1,186 1,697 4,389 11,640 2,049
2001 243,247 21,085 73 206 1,084 1,664 4,079 11,928 2,051
2000 253,109 20,749 79 228 977 1,663 4,078 11,975 1,749
1999 254,171 20,710 78 212 939 1,614 3,855 12,035 1,977
1998 259,453 22,533 85 206 969 1,887 4,130 12,613 2,643
1997 275,236 26,395 108 222 1,337 2,118 5,186 14,067 3,357
1996 272,169 29,283 113 229 1,838 2,236 5,973 15,280 3,614
1995 270,728 33,037 121 248 2,158 4,122 6,399 16,309 3,680
1994 33,037 135 273 1,980 4,237 6,483 16,285 3,644
Birmingham Crime Rates, per 100,000:
This chart shows crime rates for Birmingham over time. This is the number of crimes committed per 100,000 of population.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 9,559 44 102 610 715 2,107 5,111 866
2004 9,568 24 101 576 670 2,169 5,037 989
2003 9,564 35 85 564 711 2,015 4,979 1,172
2002 8,699 27 97 485 694 1,795 4,761 838
2001 8,668 30 84 445 684 1,676 4,903 843
2000 8,197 31 90 386 657 1,611 4,731 691
1999 8,148 30 83 369 635 1,516 4,735 777
1998 8,684 32 79 373 727 1,591 4,861 1,018
1997 9,589 39 80 485 769 1,884 5,110 1,209
1996 10,759 41 84 675 821 2,194 5,614 1,327
1995 12,203 44 91 797 1,522 2,363 6,024 1,359
Birmingham Clearance Figures
This displays the raw clearance numbers for Birmingham over time.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 3,748 65 101 661 832 481 1,316 292
2004 4,039 36 110 740 870 440 1,406 437
2003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2002 4,226 44 99 775 918 376 1,613 401
2001 4,392 48 94 619 890 360 1,830 551
2000 3,828 61 68 645 496 410 1,916 232
1999 4,057 24 102 495 698 408 2,132 198
1998 4,904 61 126 523 1,132 620 1,967 475
1997 5,002 61 129 570 944 464 2,651 183
1996 5,712 68 106 615 994 534 3,120 275
1995 6,158 61 151 725 1,171 594 3,293 223
Birmingham Clearance Rates
This displays the clearance rates (percentage) for Birmingham over time.
Year Total Homi Rape Robb Asslt Burg Larc Auto
2005 16% 63% 42% 46% 50% 10% 11% 14%
2004 17% 61% 46% 54% 55% 9% 12% 19%
2003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2002 19% 66% 41% 65% 54% 9% 14% 20%
2001 20% 66% 46% 57% 53% 9% 15% 27%
2000 18% 77% 30% 66% 30% 10% 16% 13%
1999 19% 31% 48% 53% 43% 11% 18% 10%
1998 21% 72% 61% 54% 60% 15% 16% 18%
1997 19% 56% 58% 43% 45% 9% 19% 5%
1996 19% 60% 46% 33% 44% 9% 20% 8%
1995 18% 50% 61% 28% 28% 9% 19% 6%